Maira Kalman has captured the best selling points of Japan. We have lived in Kyoto for 8 years. My husband is Japanese, and I'm American. We're raising our "doubles" (dual nationals)over here. "Sayonara Mrs. Kackleman" is our kids' ultimate favorite book, and they laugh and laugh when I read "Pajan" or they call them "Japansneeze" and "Hey Hiroko...are you loco?" The author writes about the precious things that we wish we...
After my grandaughter received "Hey Willie, see the Pyramids" as a gift, we became fascinated with Maira Kalman's books. Our most recent acquisition is Sayonara Mrs. Kackleman. The naive illustrations are wonderful and plentiful enough to spend a good amount of time on each page. We like to fill in the thoughts of all the characters. This has been her "bedtime book of choice" for quite a while now. We now dream of going to...
Maira Kalman does a wonderful job of capturing her reader's imagination and eye. She has a very playful graspe of the English language. Her style is envigorating. Children and adults are captivated by the rhythmic storytelling. The colorful illustrations make it hard to turn the pages while the text spurs the reader on to do just that. This is an entirely delightful children's book that will give readers the travel...
This is a story about two kids who take a trip to Japan. The writing style is really humorous, and yet it is not not silly. It uses puns and a wonderful descriptive style in ways that are really original. My son (age 3) really enjoys this story, and so do his older cousins. The illustrations are also interesting and fun to look out. This is a good book to read out loud at bedtime.
From the subway that "smoothed into the station" to all the exotic Japanese meals, this fantasy trip of two kids to Japan is just inspiring. I find myself as delighted and laughing as my kids. Having falling totally in love with Ms. Kalman's words and images I'm off in search of more!