No one thinks much about the Devil anymore. In fact, words like witchcraft and black magic have a strangely medieval ring to our ears. Many people even think of Satan as somehow comic -- and therefore harmless. Yet amidst the tragedy and corruption of our own century, it is ironic that many people doubt whether an active, evil force really exists. But Satan is not dead, says author Hal Lindsey; he has simply adopted a more modern style. Spiritualism, astrology, "new age" religion -- all of these and more are signs of the creeping influence of the Father of Lies in our time. In this book, Hal Lindsey, well-known speaker and author of the best-selling Late Great Planet Earth, outlines a battle plan for overcoming this very real and insidious enemy. The times may change, but the conflict is as old as the Garden of Eden. Whatever happened to old What's-his-name?
I have read all of Hal's books and a few of them i read back in the early 70's. This stuff is not "outdated" as some reviewers wrote but these books are the truth. All the evil that is going on in the world today you will read in all Hal's books. Let me tell you first hand people, this man knows what he is writing about and these books have changed my life for the better. I had fallen away from the church for about 25 years...
Hal speaks of truth. The devil is alive and well on Planet Earth. I myself have experienced his power and hold on my life. I had dabbled in the occult and what Hal mentions in the book is very accurate. Read and beware. No need to fear. Jesus overcame Satan.
This is a great book to read when you have doubts about what the supernatural is and how you are involved. The salvation message is given throughout the book along with many challenges to born again Christians. The book explains away many common myths about the Scripture.
I couldn't begin to explain how amazing this book is. Hal Lindsay is very blessed.I dare anyone who isn't a believer in Christ to read "SATAN IS ALIVE AND WELL ON PLANET EARTH" , from beginning to end.
Considering the worsening condition of the world today it seems that an increasing number of people are considering the possibility that the Bible is the only true inspired Word of God and that Satan is the ruler of this world until Jesus returns. Lindsey once again helps to shed light on the Prince of Darkness and his deceptive schemes by tying scriptural references into a modern day context. Though this book was first...