Reverend Roy has written a series of articles which share his life story from past to present. Each article is a look into a particular time in Reverend Roy's life. The word or title of reverend often allows some to believe Mr. Roy has always followed God's Word and did not willingly or consciously participate in street life. That is not the case. Mr. Roy, now Reverend Roy, has seen and has been involved in the street life game for many years from childhood to adulthood. And side note here, he was very good at it before he became weary. Sick and tired of being sick and tired, Mr. Roy began the journey of tapping into his life's purpose. But it did not happen overnight. It did not happen easily. It did not happen without his understanding that change needed to occur. It did not happen without his full participation in his own life. His journey helped him come to understand that God loves you no matter who you are, no matter what you've done, no matter the circumstances you were born into.
Reverend Roy's son holding his own son