RFK Jr did a fantastic job in captivating my children with words and pictures. At first it was hard for them but once it grasped their attention, they loved it.
Children naturally develop a heartwarming embrace for the pure charity that St. Francis showed the poor and the sick, and the animals, insects and plants in nature. The illustrations by Dennis Nolan are colorful and beautiful and frame-worthy. This is an amazing story and it also a story about the other amazing saints that Francis embraced…Saint Clare, Saint Bernard etc. This book should be republished and re-released, as...
When I visited the Basilica of St. Francis in Santa Fe, NM, recently, I browsed through the collection of illustrated books on St. Francis, but none could compare to this one by Robert Kennedy, Jr. The illustrations in his book capture the eye immediately with boldness of color and design. While I am familiar with the life of St. Francis, this storyline presents the facts in a new way that children of any age will give rapt...
This is a delightful book with high quaility art work. It is a book to keep for generations to come.
I teach second grade in a public school in a large Catholic nieghborhood. I get invited to many first communions. I am not Catholic, but growing up in this nieghborhood I know a lot about this deep faith. The story of St.Francis reaches out to everyone no matter thier religion. It has always interested me. So when this book was released I borrowed it from the library. I was taken back by it. I now buy this book for all of...