Can a person be turned into a werewolf? Nick is certain the Wolfman myth is Hollywood fiction, but then his dad hands him a newspaper clipping from The Daily Crawler.
In a chilling discovery, law enforcement officials investigating the gruesome death of Candee Brenneman claim that a wolf or some other large animal may have attacked the victim. An employee of R.I.P.'s Restaurant found the 32-year-old avid jogger and fitness instructor under a bridge in Rockefeller State Park. Her throat was savagely ripped apart, and large misshapen paw prints were found around the body. There were also bite marks on her hands and arms. Some have wondered if her death, occurring during a full moon, suggests a werewolf may be running loose in Sleepy Hollow. The investigation is ongoing.
While his parents and sister drive a moving truck from Kansas to their new home in Savannah, Georgia, Nick takes a train to Sleepy Hollow to visit his grandfather. At the Headless Horseman Inn, Nick meets a girl his age who goes by the name Nancy Drew. Together they dig into the case and discover hints that suggest part of the werewolf legend may be true. Racing against time and the'70s Detectives - a quirky group of amateur sleuths, inspired by classic detective shows - the pair uncover the curse of Silas Long. Is this Scooby Doo character the key to solving the case?
As the last large moon of the month rises over Sleepy Hollow, Nick is about to discover that some monsters are real. And the worst monster is the one you never see coming.