"A fun-filled, original story worthy of inclusion." --School Library Journal
In a story about community, problem-solving, and flexibility, young Benjy helps bring everyone together to share in the Passover holiday, even if it isn't how they planned to hold their seder.
When a fallen palm tree blocks a highway in Israel on the afternoon before Passover, Benjy's family is stuck in a massive traffic jam. Benjy's family tries to move the tree, but it won't budge. They get help from the other travelers, but still no luck. Everyone is resigned to give up and accept that Passover is ruined.
But Benji saves the day Why is this night different from all other nights? Because they can celebrate Passover together on the side of the road Everyone pitches in their food and supplies, sharing in their diverse Jewish cultures, to have Seder on the trunk of this pesky palm tree.
When the prickly palm table was set, and everybody was seated, Benjy took the stage. "Welcome one and all to this roadside Passover seder. Like our ancestors who had to make do--we had to, too "