In the second of Patricia Highsmith's five Ripley novels, "Ripley Under Ground," it is six years since the Dickie Greenleaf and Freddie Miles homicides. Tom Ripley has settled in France, married moneyed Heloise, and is living comfortably well-off at his county home Belle Hombre with his loyal, supremely capable housekeeper Mme Annette. Tom can never play the straight and narrow; after all he does have a homicidal streak. He...
This sequel to the TALENTED MR. RIPPLEY is just as exciting and suspencful as the the first book. Actually, I read it to find out what happend next after the movie ended, but the book does not serve that purpose. The movie added a kind of cliff-hanger ending that doesn't exist in the TALENTED MR. RIPPLEY book, so the second book won't fill the reader in on that. This book begins a new adventure and series of murders that...
"Ripley Under Ground" is the first book in the Ripley series to follow the talented Mr. Ripley. It establishes Tom Ripley as a married man living on a French estate and explains much of his transition from parasitic murderer to suave psychopath. This novel is possibly the most psychological one in the Ripley series since it endows Ripley with a tremendous artistic sensibility that often validates his homicidal choices.In...
My second experience with Mr. Ripley was even better than the first! I really enjoyed the plot twists and discovering how Tom gets himself out of those difficult situations. The end left a bit of a cliffhanger, so I am anxious to read the next installment. I strongly recommend Ripley Under Ground if you enjoyed The Talented Mr. Ripley.
Tom Ripley has aquired a beautiful wife and a lovely home in the French countryside. As Tom's life can never be without conflict, Tom finds himself caught in the middle of a forgery scandal that could destroy the world he has made for himself. We find Mr Ripley a little older, a little wiser and a little more sure of his ruthless capabilities. The Author, Patrica Highsmith, stretched the lines of plausibility on this...