Originally published as part of Kipling's famous The Jungle Book, the story of Rikki Tikki Tavi, the little mongoose rescued by a family when he was half-drowned in a storm, has been an enduring favourite with young and old for more than half a century. Rikki,...
The Jungle Book Tales by Rudyard Kipling This book series presents one of the world's most famous collections of stories for children - the animal tales by Rudyard Kipling. The exciting adventures of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the...
Here is a modern edition of Rudyard Kipling's classic tale from the Jungle books about a mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi who saves a family from the deadly cobra. The tension between mongoose and cobra is life and death, and Rikki emerges as the hero when he not only kills the...
This is the story of a boy and his weasel, a bird and a snake, India and the British Empire. Rudyard Kipling's dramatic tale, here excerpted from the greater volume of The Jungle Book, is the story of the loyal mongoose, Rikk-Tikki-Tavi, and the lengths to which he must go to...
This gorgeous picture book edition of the classic story from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book was adapted and illustrated by beloved award-winning artist Jerry Pinkney. "A beautiful edition for reading aloud," proclaimed Booklist. "Excitement and danger...
A 19th-century English family - discovers a young mongoose half drowned from a flood. They revive it and decide to keep it as a pet. The young mongoose, named Rikki Tikki Tavi, finds himself confronted by two dangerous king cobras, Nag and his even more dangerous...
Meet Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, an unlikely hero who also happens to be a mongoose.Bond with your children through story time with tales you remember from your childhood. Gift your little ones a love for reading while broadening their knowledge of the english language. Introduce...
Originally published as part of Kipling's famous The Jungle Book, the story of Rikki Tikki Tavi, the little mongoose rescued by a family when he was half-drowned in a storm, has been an enduring favourite with young and old for more than half a century.Rikki, of course, grows...
The thrilling tale of a brave young mongoose and his great war with the wicked and deadly cobras Nag and Nagaina, Rikki-tikki-tavi is drawn from The Jungle Book, the best loved of all Kipling's classic works.
A 19th-century English family - discovers a young mongoose half drowned from a flood. They revive it and decide to keep it as a pet. The young mongoose, named Rikki Tikki Tavi, finds himself confronted by two dangerous king cobras, Nag and his even more dangerous...
Kipling wrote some of the best animal stories for children, including his Jungle Books and Just So stories. His language is rich, inventive, and sonorous. He is regarded as a major innovator in the art of the short story; his children's books are classics of children's literature...