Siempre he seguido a kiyosaky desde su primer libro y siempre estuvo muy claro en sus ideas. En los actuales momentos, con la debacle económica mundial, sus ideas y conocimientos estan mas que nunca vivos en nuestra mente. Altamente recomendable para tener una idea clara de como ser efectivamente activo en su IQ financiero
I've read many books from Kiyosaki and I never get bored. It's amzing how he explains the matters of money, and how easy it sounds. I'm looking forward for his next book.
This one is worth sharing with EVERYONE! I am leading a group through this teaching. Every parent should be teaching the techniques to their children. This could be the REAL GREENING OF AMERICA.
In what may be his best book to date, Robert Kiyosaki challenges his readers to wise up about their own financial situation and what they need to know to become financially intelligent because, he says, if you can increase your financial IQ, you can become richer. Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money is classic Kiyosaki: part story-telling and part textbook with plenty of motivation and no tolerance for...
Once again, Robert Kiyosaki will have enriched the lives of many people around the world about how we think about money. Even if you have read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and his other books, his latest book now stresses the importance of having a financial IQ and education like never before. With real estate prices falling and many owners/investors foreclosing, inflation, rising health care, etc., Robert gives you the advice on...