It's been a long road, but all good things have to come to an end. So we are treated to the adventures of Duane Moore, as his life is nearing its end. And what a bizarre time it is in Thalia, Texas. A billionairess decides to import the vanishing black rhino from Africa on a spread near the town, in an effort to save the species and perhaps establish a tourist attraction. Of course, the insular people of Thalia look askance...
This is the 5th novel in this series that started with "The Last Picture Show" in 1966.It is quite short,only 278 pages,with a lot of blank space and broken up into 68 Chapters.It follows pretty much the format we saw in "When The Light Goes" (see my review on that posted on March 8,2007).The story has been aptly covered in other Reviews,so there is not much reason for my repeating it. I have read almost all of McMurtry's...
Killing off a beloved character, in this case Duane Moore who first appeared in McMurtry's THE LAST PICTURE SHOW, is no easy task. That's particularly true when readers have been granted access to such private family matters as substance abuse, the death of a spouse in a car wreck, divorce and depression throughout the Moore saga ending with Rhino Ranch. After Picture Show (1966), the books in the series include TEXASVILLE...
The sovereign state of Texas was recently in the news when Governor Rick Perry announced that Texans might want to consider invoking a little known provision of statehood and elect to secede from the United States. Down in Archer City, Texas, author Larry McMurtry hopefully had a good chuckle and was inspired to start jotting down some notes for a new series of Lone Star State-themed novels. McMurtry is the chronicler of...
Out of all the characters McMurtry has created; for me, Duane Moore is one of the most memorable. Since the decade of the sixties I have read about Duane and can't help but feel a little reader remorse because of his passing. I am one of those avid fans mentioned in the editorials and probably biased becuase of it. That said, I am very grateful that the author decided to give us more and not end the saga with When the Light...