Revenge is an open sore. It gnaws at one's innards and fuels the day. How sweet it can be...for the winner. For Susan Dumont and Jack Monte, all their hopes and dreams centered on the destruction of the other. In the process, whatever decency each had is nibbled away in that pursuit. Who survives?
Revenge begins with the arrival of Billy Dee Jackson and his wife from a trip to Paris. Billy Dee's friend, Jack Sheppard who is a detective assigned to the Chicago Bomb and Arson Division meets them at O'Hare airport. He informs them earlier in the day their home had been blown-up. Billy Dee and Sheppard both suspect that the crime was related to their prior involvement with a terrorist group called the SLA- Serbian Liberation Army, and the escape of one Susan Dumont and imprisonment in France of Jack Monte. They had no idea they were pawns in a much wider game of Susan's and Monte's making.
An investigation follows. Along the way, as Billy Dee and Sheppard peel back the layers of intrigue, innocent people are drawn into this web, and suffer the consequences.
Revenge is the third in a series that evolved from one late autumn's day event of a Bomb in the Palace which was the name of a parking lot in Chicago. A series of events had Paris Gone Dark until revenge was the only thing left.