Rayn Yarrister, the first-born son and Leader of The Guardians, has been imprisoned on Vesturon for breaking their most sacred of covenants. He is suddenly jolted by Maddie's telepathic pleas for help, as her life hangs in the balance. Can he alert The Guardians in time to save his soulmate? Or will he face his trial alone and broken without his one true love?
In Resurrection, The Guardians of Vesturon face their biggest challenges as Earth is threatened by an invading species from a distant planet intent on destroying it for its resources. As protectors of the universe, The Guardians have been assembled to defend not only Earth, but other vulnerable worlds as well. Not only that, an unknown entity is intent on discrediting the Yarrister family. Will they uncover this plot in time to save themselves from ruin? Will The Guardians succeed in stopping the Xanthians, or will Earth be invaded and ravaged by this marauding species?
Resurrection, the continuation of Survival is a young adult/new adult clean romance, the second book in A.M. Hargrove's The Guardians of Vesturon Series. It's a blend of fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal fiction, featuring suspense, surprising plot twists, and a mix of amazing characters that will keep you turning the pages. If you like raw emotion, unusual settings, and adventure, then start reading this series today.
*Author's Note: This is an extensively re-edited version of this novel. It was first published in 2012.
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