Unlike that silly Negroponte, this is a book about how the Internet/Web revolution will affect our lives, and how our lives and our institutions will affect it. This book is so well written that it seems effortless - therin lies the disappointment of some - good analysis does not always lead to unexpected or "profound" conclusions. Sometimes the truth is obvious. What is so great is that she gives her reasoning as well...
Well after reading through the other reviews, I just wanted to mention that the contents of "Release 2.0" were very well documented from an "unwired novice's" point of view. I'm on the roaded to becoming "wired" and found this information extremely useful. If there are others trying to figure out the ways and means of the web and some history on it, this is a good place to start if you have no other sources to confirm with...
esther dyson makes a wonderful commentary of the obvious, yet widely misunderstood growth in digital culture. ie: building communities is key. thank you for giving merit to the vision... -steve hatch
Release 2.0 is a very good book that should be a required reading for anybody who wants to understand more about the Internet and its effect on us. A must for a beginner and expert alike, and considering that Release 1.0 cost you 750 USD per year, the paradox of next realease is always cheaper is again proven here. Hear it from a friend who recommend it very highly. Cheapest bargain of the year, Buy it!
(if you read the book you will get it)Great, but not the best book I have ever read. I would recommend Being Digital by Nicholas Negroponte over this any day. However, Dyson does show a good view, if regurgitated from others, of our future and how things are changing. People have said it is written both for the digerati and for the unwired novice, however if you aren't on the Net or a digital person I think that the book...