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Comics & Graphic Novels Fantasy Graphic Novels Science Fiction Science Fiction & FantasyJohn Kotter has given change agents like me a great manual to introduce the concepts of change to a board audience. As a professed change agent who has worked in the academic and public sector for over 40 years, I have found this little book and its story to be an extremely powerful teaching tool. The penguin and iceberg metaphors work and resonates with even the most sophisticated audiences. I have used this book in conjunctions...
John Kotter defined leadership for all of us, when he stated that "leaders cope with change". Ever since, the concept of leading change is used every day in academia and industry as if they were always linked this way. I handed out thirteen copies to my students at Pace University today. I believe that Our Iceberg Is Melting is the best place for young up and coming leaders to start their training. I wish that I had read...
This is a wonderful gem of a little book. It uses a parable about a colony of easy-to-relate-to penguins to teach us how to understand and manage successful change. It marks a departure from the data-based research John Kotter is so respected for, and takes us into the realm of everyday life. Everyone, no matter who we are or what we do in life, should read, enjoy and learn from this gem!
John Kotter's "Leading Change" and "The Heart of Change" laid out a prescription for the serious and difficult work of implementing change, in an increasingly more competitive and faster paced global marketplace. This latest work, "Our Iceberg is Melting" is, to my knowledge, a first. It is a fable, which brings ALIVE, in a very AMUSING and ENTERTAINING QUICK forty-five minute read, the widely accepted logic and concepts...
Our Iceberg Is Melting takes a complex, institutional subject -- how organizations change -- and puts it into a simple and accessible form - in this case, a fable. How accessible? It's a 45-minute read, with humor and delightful illustrations. My teenagers picked it up voluntarily, liked the characters, and got the message - that changing how a group does things requires a process, or otherwise the obstacles win. Kotter and...