Dr. Larry Dossey explores the mind-body connection and draws very startling conclusions about the mind and human experiences. He steps out on a limb. Amazingly, it does not break nor does he fall off of it. He is one of the few physicians who dares to write about subjects that are considered 'taboo' by 'true' scientists (which MDs consider themselves). The book begins with a true story about Sarah, a young lady who had a...
Dossey, who is an accomplished scientist and knowledgable expert on this topic, melds spirituality and science like no other. Although there are many books that attempt to integrate modern science and spirituality, this book is one of the most well-written and most convincing. The only other book that is just as good as this on this topic is Toru Sato's absolutely amazing book called "Ever-Transcending Spirit". These are books...
Dr. Dossey explores the research and theory behind the concept of non-local mind, with the intent to illustrate how our minds are non-local -- unconfined to brains and bodies and thus not entirely dependent on the physical organism. As Dossey explains, "If non-local mind is a reality, the world becomes a place of interaction and connection, not one of isolation and disjunction. And if humanity really believed that non-local...
Larry Dossey has bridged the imagined gap between science and spirit in a simple, yet profound way. His willingness to address an issue which tends to polarize many people is courageous and commendable. As a seminary student who is fascinated by the convergence of quantum physics and theology, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is experiencing a science/spirit dilemma.
Larry Dossey has the ability to break right through all the head-tripoping about our spiritual selves, and talk about the real thing. As a doctor, he's concise, not wishy-washy - a genuine link between New Age and scientific. The book gives us new conceptual models that enable us to think more clearly about our own deep identity - and also inspires us to open up directly to our spiritual core - wonderful book!