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PoetryVirginia's chief medical examiner, Kay Scarpetta, is trapped in a nightmare of unsolved murders and a pernicious virus in this breathless thriller, where clues are elusive and the killer's threats are hurled through cyberspace. Dr. Kay Scarpetta is newly returned from Dublin, where she was called in to examine the remains of a murder victim whose limbs and head were expertly severed--a signature of a cunning serial killer...
Once again Patricia Cornwell does not dissapoint her avid reading fans with "Unnatural Exposure". This is the second time I have read all of her novels except the latest one that just came out in 2005. I turned 50 this year and treated myself to all of her collection in hardback. I have to honestly say she is my favorite writer...hands down. This novel just like any of hers is facinatingly detailed with forensic discoveries...
I just got bored one day and I read P. Cornwell's 'Unnatural Exposure.' It's a compelling story and has a great plot. However, I ended up being right about who the psycho was. However, it was still a good book......
I personally loved the book. The involvement of mystery with the Internet and killings drew me to the book even more. Every time you turn the page you just have to keep reading to find out what will happen next. Cornwell is a very graphic writer, which makes you even more engrossed into the story line. When Cornwell wrote about the email messages and notes the DEADOC (the killer) it brought fear into you. At one point, I had...
This is the first novel I read by Patricia Cornwell. It is my favourite of all her novels. This book deals with Wesley's and Scarpetta's on/off relationship. The plot revolves around a dismembered body found in a dump, but expands in many directions with lots of action with Scarpetta getting inadvertantly caught up in a dangerous situation. This book is definitely a good read as it never goes through a slow or boring patch...