This was a light and pleasurable read this weekend, the latest in James Alan Gardner's "expendable" universe. I read the first novel when it initially came out several years ago and then failed to notice the intervening releases. I was pleasantly surprised, when I started reading this one, that missing the in-between novels didn't affect my enjoyment of this book. The "expendable" universe is one where humanity has ventured...
I agree with the reviewer who stated that the author just gets better with each book. I love his characters, and even loved his "commitment hour." This book does indeed have buddhist overtones. Along with a great story and the usual science fiction adventure, there is some serious discussion about what makes us who we are. I recommend this book highly for any lover of science fiction.
By my count, this is the 6th book in Gardner's "League of Peoples" universe. In no particular order, earlier books are "Expendable," "Hunted," "Vigilant," "Trapped," and "Ascending." Technically, I suppose, the lamentable "Commitment Hour" should be included, but let's not. Not all of those books have focused on Explorers, so-called Expendable Crew Members, but they figure in most. ECMs, in Gardner's universe, have physical...
I have been facinated by the Expendable universe from the very first book, and have read all that James Alan Gardner has published. This story is a fast read and filled with surprises. More facts are revealed about the upper level aliens and best of all there is a reason for their sticking their nose in Human business. Striving and the journey are more important than actual conclusions. And being sentient is more than just...
EXPENDABLE Explorer Third Class Youn Sue is trained to handle the most difficult, dangerous and deadly assignments as expected of a member of the Explorer Corps. She and her Explorer peers are disposables enabling a detached mankind to rationalize their deaths without any emotional attachment, remorse or guilt for who cares that an "Ugly Screaming Stink Girl" like Youn dies. The Pistachio space ship Captain Cohen sends...