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Crafts Crafts & Hobbies Crafts & Hobbies Needlecrafts & Textile Crafts Quilts & QuiltingThe top gecko people in the country collaborated to write this book, and the information is extensive, but simple to understand. It goes beyond the beginner's how to set up a tank and feeding, and gets into breeding for different colors and all the different 'morphs' that have been created so far, with many good pictures. It is the most up-to-date so far in terms of new morphs (colors). After reading it the first time, I like...
In terms of printed text on Leopard Geckos, this book sets the standard. The information is brief and comprehensive. It's a must own for Leo keepers. I spend a lot of my time giving advice to people about these guys and the first thing I always tell new owners is: Get the Leopard Gecko Manual, read it cover to cover.
This is a very informative book and should be required reading prior to purchasing a gecko. The authors have covered topics on: selecton, housing, feeding, breeding & raising geckos,and problems and diseases that an owner may encounter. The gecko photographs in this book are excellent. If you only read one book on this subject this would be your best overall choice.
This is a wonderful and informative book for both the Leopard Gecko beginner and expert breeder. It covers the basics of Leopard and Fat Tailed Gecko care, terrarium setup, health, feeding, and breeding. It has glorious pictures of Leopard and Fat Tailed Geckos, plus some other species as well. In addition this book has an expanded section on breeding, the effects of incubation temperature on the sex ratio of the hatchlings...
As a self-taught gecko-keeper, over the past years I have a number of times wished I had had to hand a book such as this for all my different species of charges. While it is both interesting and informative on the background and origin of these creatures, more importantly it is remarkably focussed on the must-knows of keeping leopard geckos safely and healthily and deals with essentials from diet to breeding. The author...