For the first time in my adult life, I have seen the New Testament and the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth from a perspective to which I can finally relate. When the Kingdom of Heaven is viewed as the ego-shattering level of nondual consciousness, the scriptures have great wisdom to share and somewhere accessible to point. (Yes, I realize that I'm awash in spacetime nomenclature, but such is the nature of writing.)Jim Marion's...
This book is highly recommended for anyone who feels spiritually "stuck." If your goal has been spiritual growth through the study of Jesus and his message but you find that the traditional emphasis on Jesus' death and resurrection has lost it's meaning, this book may help. Marion's basic premise is that the Kingdom of God is obtainable here and now, "on earth as it is in heaven." If we are to seek the Kingdom, we must...
This was a great book, combining insights from such disparate sources as the Bible, the new age, and the great modern philosopher, Ken Wilbur, in ways that were both exciting and insightful. If you are a Christian, seeking to broaden your faith and expand your conciousness - or you are interested in new age ideas and feel a strong connection to Jesus - this book is a must read.
This was the first book about Christian spirituality I read that went beyond the common ideas I had been exposed to in churches growing up (I am 21). It was amazing to read about some of the things I had been feeling/desiring or just been curious about: spiritual growth and development, transformation of my life by Christ and what that might entail, meditation, and even mysticism. I realized I didn't know what mysticism...
Jim Marion has written a classic. If you're familiar with Andrew Harvey's Son of Man, reading this book will show you the book Harvey may have wanted to write. In a world where spirituality is served up as a cream puff feel-good exercise in clothing the ego with royal robes, this is the real thing, plain and simple.Taking a cue from Piaget's findings on the development of the individual, Ken Wilber's slightly off-the-beaten-path...