Pastoral counseling can be imbued with a sense of community and of the transcendent; there is no surer way for this to happen than through a vital and self-conscious connection with the worship life of the community. Ritual can resonate to human need, and to this end there is much the ritualist can learn from the psychological insights into human development and personality familiar to those in the field of pastoral care. Drawing on a range of practical concerns and issues in worship life and pastoral care, Elaine Ramshaw shows how ritual can communicate care, and be shaped by care for the individual, society, and the world.
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Elaine Ramshaw's book, 'Ritual and Pastoral Care', is a wonderful little book that shows the relationship between the worship life of a church and caring, compassionate pastoral side. Speaking of sacred ritual and human needs, Ramshaw states that 'the public liturgical role of the pastor has often been dissociated from the private, individualised, counseling role that is considered the essence of pastoral care.'Rituals play...