I enjoyed this book quite a bit. The plot is fast-paced, and intresting. This writer managed to squeeze some suspense out of what could have eaily become another "bloodbath" bok with much body count and not much story. As it is, though, this Stony Man title suffers from what many of them suffer from: too many characters. There are nine Stony Man commandos, and it seems they all must have something to do. This is solved...
This is one of the better Stony Man titles in a long time. It's a good, fast-paced read, featuring all the usual Stony Man commandos. The plausibility factor is high, and as a result, the plot is a thought-provoking one. The writer's depth of knowledge of what it takes to mass produce and distribute weapons shows through in the amount of detail. "Punitive Measures" is very suspenseful and well-written.