This book presents the complete spectrum of current research in pulsed neural networks and includes the most important work from many of the key scientists in the field. Terrence J. Sejnowski's foreword, "Neural Pulse Coding," presents an overview of the topic. The first half of the book consists of longer tutorial articles spanning neurobiology, theory, algorithms, and hardware. The second half contains a larger number of shorter research chapters that present more advanced concepts. The contributors use consistent notation and terminology throughout the book.
Peter S. Burge, Stephen R. Deiss, Rodney J. Douglas, John G. Elias, Wulfram Gerstner, Alister Hamilton, David Horn, Axel Jahnke, Richard Kempter, Wolfgang Maass, Alessandro Mortara, Alan F. Murray, David P. M. Northmore, Irit Opher, Kostas A. Papathanasiou, Michael Recce, Barry J. P. Rising, Ulrich Roth, Tim Sch nauer, Terrence J. Sejnowski, John Shawe-Taylor, Max R. van Daalen, J. Leo van Hemmen, Philippe Venier, Hermann Wagner, Adrian M. Whatley, Anthony M. Zador