Excellent read for any student of martial arts, not just for T'ai Chi. - During my brief period studying Chinese-Indonesia arts my Sifu recommended this book. I got more than I expected and wished I found it sooner. Most people know Tai Chi was created as a complement to meditation, but this explains why. This book will not teach you Tai Chi but explains the relationship of the movements in Tai Chi to the movement of Chi...
A very good book and explores several different things within Tai Chi. However do not expect to "learn" tai chi from this or any other book. Tai Chi cannot be learned from a book and meditation without tai chi is simply meditation. Some of the meditation requires one to focus within a specific part of the body which is difficult to do. This is definitely one of the best books available on this subject. However to achieve any...
Read everything you can find by Da Liu, they can still be found.
This book is an often overlooked masterpiece on the subject of Tai chi chuan and meditation. Master Da Liu writes extensively on exercises from his own practice. Including coordination of qi circulation with the movements of the Yang Long Form. He also discusses the basics of Taoist meditation. A must for serious tai chi students.
Goodreads is a social cataloging website and community for readers and authors to find, share, and discuss books. They recently published a list of the top 60 titles from the last five years, using both the numbers of readers and reader ratings to determine their picks. Here are some of the highlights.
Any book has the ability to transport us to new and different experiences, but science-fiction and fantasy is unique in that it imagines entirely new worlds and possibilities to explore. For many of us, this genre represents the ultimate escape from reality.
Our TBR collections just keep growing, but that doesn't stop us from browsing (and buying!) new books! Here are thirteen May releases that we can't wait to pick up, along with suggestions for books you can read right away.