"The Princess and the Kiss" is an outstanding book for any family who is striving to show their children, from an early age, the value of purity and integrity. In a very tasteful manner, even a small child can follow the plight of the princess who hopes for a suitor who will be worthy of her kiss (her "precious possession")and her hand in marriage. She dare not share her kiss with a man who shows himself as self-centered;...
My 6 year old daughter loves princess stories. I hesitate reading them to her because the message portrayed is that you need to be beautiful and marry a handsome, wealthy, charming prince in order to live happily ever after. This book is a refreshingly stark contrast in that it discusses the importance of waiting to "give away your kiss" and to give it away in marriage only after you have carefully screened your potential...
This book is just amazing! It is beautifully done - the illustrations are wonderful, the writing is excellent, and the story is done in such a way as to really touch you - heart and soul. We use this book to teach both our daughters and son about purity and its importance. This book presents this issue in a way that small children can understand and it builds a foundation that will be very easy for us to expand upon as...
Dear Parent!HOW RARE!!!We looked near and far for a book like this!Christian parents are deeply concerned with raising their daughters to be pure for marriage. Where on earth can you find books or movies to help reinforce these beautiful ideals that the Lord has given us? How do you raise your precious daughter to be a Proverbs 31 woman... a virtuous woman? This book was one of two we finally found. It focussed on the ages...
Recently while at a weekend Peer Education Training event at Harsens Island, Michigan, I was introduced by the trainer to this wonderful book, "The Princess and the Kiss," by Jennie Bishop. I was SO VERY IMPRESSED with its message, I bought it for each of my seven grandchildren, who are all under the age of 12. Our's is a sacred responsibility to help our children learn who they are, where they came from, why they are on...