I first read Pride's Challenge when I was in second grade. I bought it at a book fair because it had a horse on the cover and reading about a sixteen-year-old sounded glamorous and exciting. Well, I read the book cover-to-cover more times than I can count; I can even still recite the majority of the first chapter (and, bizarrely enough, Joanna Campbell's bio) by heart. It wasn't long before I just had to get the rest of the...
Oh my gosh! This book was sooo good! It is one of my favorite books ever! Okay, first Brad and Lavinia get this million+ horse and think he is better than Pride. They think Pride is burnt out because of his injury. But then Pride beats their horse, Lord Ainsley. Lavinia and Brad are furious. They try all sorts of tricks to get to Ashleigh and she is getting married too. At Ashleigh's wedding Charlie has a heart attack and...
I loved this book! I Loved how Pride showed Brad and Lavina up! OHH i hate them! Why did Charlie have to die?! He was my fave character! And i miss him SOOOOOOOOOOOO much! All the horses have heart especially Pride and Wonder. You've gotta read this! It made me cry! I miss Charlie! I really do! I never have gotten this attached to a character before and it's weird! PLEAE READ THIS I LOVED IT!!!
I've read every book in the series and this is the best one by far. I liked it because for one it wasn't about jumping and two because it was just really really good. First Brad got a new horse a multimillion dollar English Thoroughbred named Lord Ainsley. They race Pride against him but luckily he wins. Ashleigh and Mike are getting married but at their wedding Charlie dies and Ashleigh thinks that she cant train because...
Mike and Ashleigh are finally getting married!!! But when Charlie, the old trainer, dies Ashleigh must take all of what he has taught her, but it won't be easy. Brad Townsend, the biggest jerk at Tonsend Acres, is on his father's case about letting Wonder's Pride be trained at Townsend Acres. But Ashleigh and Samantha, Pride's trainers already have a problem to face, Lord Ainsley. The big thoroughbred, owned by Brad Townsend...