Pretty-shield, the legendary medicine woman of the Crows, remembered what life was like on the Plains when the buffalo were still plentiful. A powerful healer who was forceful, astute, and compassionate, Pretty-shield experienced many changes as her formerly mobile people were...
A rare, documented account of the life of a Crow medicine woman, drawn from interviews conducted by legendary writer and ethnographer Frank Bird Linderman and told in her own words. In the spring of 1931, Pretty-shield, a grandmother and medicine healer in the Crow tribe, met...
""Originally published in 1932 as "Red Mother," this book was perhaps the first record of the women s side of Indian life, and it has become a classic work in its field.Pretty-shield told her story to Frank Linderman through an interpreter and using the sign language. A medicine...
""Originally published in 1932 as "Red Mother," this book was perhaps the first record of the women s side of Indian life, and it has become a classic work in its field.Pretty-shield told her story to Frank Linderman through an interpreter and using the sign language. A medicine...