Antidepressants today top the list of drugs prescribed to women. But what happens when you add pregnancy into the mix? Pregnant on Prozacis the first guide to separate the myths from the facts. Taking a pull-no-punches, prescriptive approach, it clearly spells out not only the possible risks of antidepressant use--whether it be Prozac, Wellbutrin, or any of the host of other drugs--by hopeful mothers but also the lesser-known yet serious risks to both fetus and mother from untreated depression.
Shoshana Bennett answers such questions as: Does the media exaggerate the risk? What of options such as tapering the dose? What alternatives are worth pursuing? Most importantly, she empowers each woman with the knowledge to make the best decision for her. Pregnant on Prozac is a must-have for any prospective mother who has experienced depression or anxiety as well as anyone with a friend or loved one in this situation.