When I first started writing, I never intended for it to become a book; but after the first year of writing, prayers, and sharing them with the teams that I volunteer in at church and for friends and family members and my prayers seemed to help them, I went to God in prayer and asked him to guide me in what to do with this gift that he has given me. He responded by letting me know that there are people in the world that need prayer but do not have anyone to turn to for prayer or even just to get guidance or direction on how to handle different situations. So he directed me to use my prayers for those in other states and countries.
The prayers in this book are written for anyone and everyone one who has gone through struggles. We all need prayer, and we all need a strong relationship with God-and praying is the way to get there. I pray that these prayers will open your heart and a path to a bigger and better relationship with Christ. Praying also helps gain patience while waiting for a blessing from the Lord.