When Poor Folk was first published in 1846, Dostoyevsky -- one of nineteenth-century Russia's most important authors -- was just twenty-four years old. The novel brought him immediate critical and public acclaim. A poignant societal and physiological sketch, Dostoyevsky's...
As both a masterpiece of Russian populist writing and a parody of the entire genre,Poor Peopleis an early example of Dostoevsky's genius. Written as a series of letters,Poor Peopletells the tragic tale of a petty clerk and his impossible love for a young girl. Longing to help...
Poor Folk, Dostoevsky's first novel, released in 1846, occupies a position of particular interest and importance in the history of Russian literature, as it represents the confluence of important literary traditions, especially the influence of Gogol. While a natural starting...
Presented as a series of letters between the humble copying clerk Devushkin and a distant relative of his, the young Varenka, Poor People brings to the fore the underclass of St Petersburg, who live at the margins of society in the most appalling conditions and abject poverty...
In an age before psychology was a modern scientific field, Fyodor Dostoyevsky (November 11, 1821 - February 9, 1881) was a Russian writer of realist fiction and essays that explored the depths of the human psyche. Known for acclaimed novels Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. Poor Folk is the first novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, written over the span of nine months between 1844 and 1845. Dostoyevsky was in financial difficulty because of his extravagant lifestyle and his developing gambling...
Poor Folk is an epistolary novel -- that is, a tale told as a series of letters between the characters. And oh, what characters these are Makar Dievushkin Alexievitch is a copy writer, barely squeaking by; Barbara Dobroselova Alexievna works as a seamstress,...
Debjutnyj roman F.M.Dostoevskogo "Bednye ljudi" stal vehoj v razvitii russkoj literatury, vyzvav v moment publikacii shkval otklikov kak u kritikov, tak i u chitatelej. Roman "Bednye ljudi" po forme jeto sentimental'naja perepiska mezhdu melkim chinovnikom Makarom Devushkinym...
Dosto evski d crit lui-m me la gen se de ce roman pistolaire, premi re oeuvre qu'il a publi e: La fum e sortait des naseaux des chevaux, des colonnes de fum e montaient des toits des deux rives et il semblait que de nouveaux difices surgissaient au-dessus des anciens, qu'une...
Financial difficulties resulting from an extravagant lifestyle and excessive gambling led Fyodor Dostoevsky to pen his first novel "Poor Folk". First published in 1846, "Poor Folk" is the story of impoverished cousins Varvara Dobroselova and Makar Devushkin. The two live in...
Makar Dievushkin Alexievitch is a copy writer, barely squeaking by; Barbara Dobroselova Alexievna works as a seamstress, and both face the sort of everyday humiliation society puts upon the poor. These are people respected by no one, not even by themselves...
Poor Folk, sometimes translated as Poor People, is the first novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, written over the span of nine months between 1844 and 1845. Dostoevsky was in financial difficulty because of his extravagant lifestyle and his developing gambling addiction; although he...