This book is really amazing. Definitely one of the top 5 or 10 best business books that you could read in your lifetime. Charlie Munger, multi billionaire Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, shares his inner most thoughts, ideas, decision making processes...this is how you really make money. It makes those other "financial experts" (the people you see on tv with books, boardgames, spouting wisdom such as "pay yourself first",...
This book took me a looong time to read, but that's because its nearly 500 pages are so saturated with information and original ideas, you will have plenty to learn and will want to fully explore and take advantage of all Charlie has to offer. You MUST be an active reader to derive any benefit from the framework he has laid out. I don't think a quick skim will do it any justice, or even be worth your time. The whole purpose...
This is an absolutely fabulous book. I love it. I am an avid follower of Charlie Munger, going to the annual meetings etc. So I thought that this might only be a rehash of existing speeches and talks, which admittedly form the bulk of the text. But it is much more--Munger has revised and added to some of his talks. The editor, Peter Kaufman, has added other materials. Munger's son's comments about dinner table conversations...
Poor Charlie's Almanack; The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger This book gives us the opportunity to learn how one of the greatest financial minds of our day views the world. Amazingly Charlie shares not only his opinions but his thought process and belief system. The book walks you through how Charlie arrives at the decisions that have made him a billionaire. I continually study both Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett ,...