I love how God introduced Dr RC Sproul to me. I learned and understand so much on how to please God. I truly miss Dr Sproul.
In our days where evangelical churches emphasize quick decisions, mechanical 'the sinner's prayer', numbers, fun and programs without earnest efforts in discipleship, I consider Sproul's "Pleasing God" one of my highly recommended materials (another one is J.C Ryle's "Holiness") for new Christians to grow in grace in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The book contains basic doctrines of sin, justification, atonement,...
As a new Christian I hunger to know God, to know His will for me, and to understand my place in this world. RC provides practical guidance for that purpose. In Pleasing God, as in all his books, I find his logical, analytical and humorous approach to theology completely engaging. Each chapter centers around an issue we must face, such as the battle with the flesh, then describes real world examples and addresses the appropriate...