My first (and last) Frank book. Stereotypes & cliches. Immature & shallow.
I completely enjoyed this book! Dorothea Benton Frank can put words to life like no other. Plantation had my eyes popping, rolling and my mouth gasping! What a delightful read. ❤️
Another entertaining novel penned by Dorothea Benton Frank. The flavor of the Southern atmosphere is almost can taste, smell, feel and see it all. The development of the characters is fast paced and memorable it is almost difficult to pick one personality over another with the exception of Miss Lavinia who is the most unforgetable, and spicy, character, to come along in quite some time. It was a book...
An EXCELLENT book. My first book by Dorothea Benton Frank, I was sad when this book came to an end....
Caroline Wimbley Levine was reared in southern tradition, on a plantation that her family has owned for generations. Her brother Trip has strayed a bit but is still part of the "good ole boy" generation that sips their bourbon freely, and never speaks of financial matters or politics when the ladies are present. Miss Lavinia is the Lady of the manor and is about to leave things in the questionably competent hands of her children...