A document of paramount historical importance, not only in terms of Christianity but also with respect to the development of Western religion. It chronicles the teachings of Jesus, who explains life's mysteries to his disciples and Mary Magdalene. Their discussions take place...
IN the Introduction (pp. xxxv f.) to the first edition (1896), the translator wrote:"In presenting the following translation to the English-reading public, I may say that I should not have ventured on such an undertaking if any Coptic scholar had undertaken the task, or I had...
Pistis Sophia is an important Gnostic text. It relates the Gnostic teachings of the transfigured Jesus to the assembled disciples including his mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Martha. Pisti Sophia recounts that Jesus remained on earth after the resurrection for 11 years. In...
This hardback edition of the Pistis Sophia is a complete and accurate reprint of the original translation by G.R.S. Mead in 1921. It contains all of Mead's original notes and running commentary, as well as his annotated bibliography, which includes numerous sources and further...
The Pistis Sophia is an extremely important Gnostic text, dating back to the early 2nd Century. The text claims that after His resurection, Christ remained on Earth for another eleven years, teaching His Disciples up to the first level of the Mystery. In Gnostic teachings, the...
The Pistis Sopha is a startling blend of primitive Christianity and Hellenic Paganism, with other elements such as reincarnation, Astrology, Mystery religion and Hermetic magic. The Goddess makes an appearance in the guise of Sophia, a fallen angel.
The first English translation of the Gnostic religious document that was the most influential of all Gnostic studies before the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library. Some of the Contents: Documents & General Literature of Gnosticism; Probable History of the Treatise; Jesus Hitherto...
Pistis Sophia is an important Gnostic text, possibly written as early as the 2nd century. The five remaining copies, which scholars place in the 5th or 6th centuries, relate the Gnostic teachings of the transfigured Jesus to the assembled disciples (including his mother Mary,...