Pinky and Bird presents the adventures of two spirited Cavalier King Charles Spaniels that once lived in Sydney, Australia. 'Bird' was the nickname of Curtis and 'Pinky' was the nickname of his younger sister Skye. Through the energy and enchantment of the rhyming verses the wise and much adored Bird gently guides the cheeky Pinky from her wilful rascally ways to living with the family and world in harmony. Despite belonging to the same breed, the tale portrays how all animals have individual characters and personalities. Each doggie makes a special contribution through their uniqueness to the families in which they live and are loved unconditionally.
"Claudia has an inspirational spirit, always looking for ways to bring positivity, optimism, and health into the world. Straight from the heart, Claudia brings an enchanting book of family values and unconditional love."
- Terry Farnham, Author and Motivational Memoir Writer