"An excellent 'ready reference' both for copywriters and for those entering the field." -- Robert Goldsborough, Special Projects Director Advertising Age "Holy smoke This is amazing A thesaurus for advertising copywriters. Where has it been all my life?" -- Denny Hatch, Editor Target Marketing Six seconds. That's all you have to grab your prospect's attention and make a sale. Use the right phrase or slogan, however, and you've made your sale. Use the wrong one, and you've lost your opportunity . . . maybe forever. Choosing the right phrase or slogan is vital to your success. And so is Phrases That Sell. It's the ultimate resource for anyone needing hands-on, instant access to the key phrases, slogans, and attention grabbers that will gain more attention and sell more product. Organized by category . . . indexed and cross-referenced for ease of use . . . loaded with expert advice on how to write copy that sells, Phrases That Sell covers everything, including those hard-to-describe product and service qualities and those product/service attributes that are subtle or abstract. It has 143 selling phrases to describe service, 153 for fun, 341 covering style and design, 180 phrases related to price, and much more In this book you'll find: 5,000+ sales phrases for consumer and business-to-business products and services a copywriter's primer called "10 Basic Rules of Copywriting," with insider's tips on usage a special section on the seven steps to writing winning slogans Expert advice on how to target your message to specific audiences Whether you sell products, ideas, or services . . . whether you are a novice or an old pro . . . this creative toolbox will give you fresh ideas, new perspectives, and renewed confidence. With Phrases That Sell at your side you'll be able to enthusiastically tackle the most challenging copywriting tasks and eliminate that dreaded "writer's block."
As a professional copywriter I will tell you that this is an excellent book and you would be well advised to have it at hand every time you write anything that is important to you --- especially sales letters and advertising material.
Is Perfect Too Strong of A Description?
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 22 years ago
I have used the previous book "Words that Sell" as one of my secret copywriting tools for years.This is the perfect companion. I can't imagine anyone who writes not finding this a gold mine of idea starters.
Wordsmithing? Not a problem!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 24 years ago
This book and it's now out-of-print companion, Words that Sell, are a must for anyone who writes corporate sales education. The information is logically arranged and easy to access. As the book would say, it simplifies your life and makes your job easier - kiss your hassles goodbye!
One of the Better Writing Tools Published In Recent Years!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 26 years ago
The Internet has opened doors of opportunity for many people to conduct online business. In order for them to successfully communicate their online marketing efforts it is necessary to produce Website content and online correspondence that will grab attention, inspire consumer confidence, and generate favorable results. Following on the footheels of Words that Sell and Cybertalk that Sells, Contemporary Books has published Phrases that Sell to expand upon the selection of key words, phrases, and slogans available for the promotion of any product, service, and idea. This book is a literal gold mine of ideas that can be used for any kind of business correspondence. Online businesses should make use of this excellent writing tool! The authors cover a variety of key topics and offer thousands of selections that will meet every marketing need and appeal to any targeted audience. Readers can simply thumb through this convenient and easy-to-use guide and select those phrases that will lend themselves to a particular use. More than just a quick solution book, the authors go one step further by providing readers with an excellent primer on copywriting. They provide helpful tips on word usage, they help readers generate their own words, phrases, and slogans, and help them target messages to specific audiences. Readers will learn how to develop their own brainstorming skills that can be easily applied to any project. This book offers fresh and exciting insight into creating top-notch marketing materials that will produce results. Lost for words? Add dramatic impact to any sales pitch with the help of this book. It is by far one of the better writing tools published in recent years. Must reading and use!
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