EDITED 22 Oct 07 to add some links. Preliminary note: there are some really excellent reviews of this book that I admire and recommend be read as a whole. Although I have reviewed a number of books on the evil of corporate rule disconnected from social responsibility such as democratic governance normally imposes, books such as Lionel Tiger, "The Manufacture of Evil," and more recently, John Perkins, "Confessions of an Economic...
L'opinion générale tend à glorifier les élites économiques et la prétendue suprématie du principe du profit à tout prix. Mais Naomi Klein nous montres l'autre côté de la médaille. Les profits servent seulement les actionnaires, et la conséquence sur la détérioration du niveau de vie du plus grand nombre (tant au nord qu'au sud) est progressive et indéniable. Son livre est un appel à une plus grande réflexion sur notre monde...
L'opinion générale tend à glorifier les élites économiques et la prétendue suprématie du principe du profit à tout prix. Mais Naomi Klein nous montres l'autre côté de la médaille. Les profits servent seulement les actionnaires, et la conséquence sur la détérioration du niveau de vie du plus grand nombre (tant au nord qu'au sud) est progressive et indéniable. Son livre est un appel à une plus grande réflexion sur notre monde...
WHile I worried that this was a simple ideological diatribe, I was very happily surprized at the intelligence and substance of Klein's book. It is a tough, well-reasoned manifesto for the anti-consumerism left of "Gen X." If you are wondering what was driving many of those protesters at the WTO and other summit meetings - most notoriously Seattle in late 1999 - then this book is the best place I know. It is part cultural...
The chapter that describes protest actions against McDonalds, Nike and Shell will leave you absolutedly outraged at the arrogance of multi-national corporations. Klein shows the disassociation between brands and manufacture of products has lead to hideous abuses of the environment, workers and freedom of speech, including outright corporate-sponsored murder to silence critics. After reading this book you will feel...