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9 - 12 Years Children's Children's Books Science Fiction & Fantasy Spine-Chilling HorrorThis is slightly different than the average Bathroom Reader in that all the stories concern various awards. I must admit that I did not enjoy it quite as much to some of the other books in the series in that there was less variety of stories but I still enjoyed it. Informative, and well worth reading, it will amaze you at how many things for which people are given awards.
My dad loves to read...anywhere and these books are full of great information. Where will you use this information in the future? Who's interesting stuff. Buy all the Uncle John's Bathroom Readers.
I'm an Uncle John Bathroom Reader addict. I've not been 100% satisfied the last couple of times - too much copy-and-past from earlier editions. But this one, "Golden plunger awards", has once again turned going to the toilet into a joyride. Good stories. Well organized. And easy to find subjects you want to read about.