Don't miss this chapter book based on the highly anticipated Peter Rabbit sequel, hopping into movie theaters soon. Inspired by the original Beatrix Potter tale, but with a fresh, modern twist. Peter Rabbit is hopping back into movie theaters soon. This action-packed...
Hopping into movie theaters soon Dig up trouble with Peter Rabbit as everyone's favorite mischievous bunny returns for even more trouble with rival Thomas McGregor in this sticker activity book based on Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway. With a star-studded cast,...
Hopping into movie theaters soon Join Peter Rabbit, his sisters, and more in this coloring activity book based on Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway. The movie comes to life in this fun coloring and activity book packed with stickers, puzzles, and more Also look...
Hopping into movie theaters soon Everyone's favorite mischievous rabbit is back Find out what trouble Peter Rabbit and his friends get into this time in this colorful 8x8 storybook based on Peter Rabbit: The Runaway. Also look out for the Peter...