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9 - 12 Years Children's Books Education & Reference Foreign Language Study & Reference Girls & Women Growing Up & Facts of Life Health Health, Fitness & Dieting Health, Fitness & Dieting Maturing Medical Medical Books Parenting & Relationships Social Issues Teen & Young Adult Women's HealthI always enjoy any books written by Vicki Lansky, but I am just a bit perturbed that a tiny little book costs $8.95 plus tax....she does offer words of widsom in dealing with children, and she is a well-respected author of self-help books about helping children cope with divorce.
The best thing a parent can do to insure an emotionally health child grows up to be an emotionally healthy adult is to consistently and continually express affection for that child in both word and deed. That's the basic premise for Vicki Lansky's "101 Ways To Tell Your Child "I Love You", a small volume ideas and encouragements ranging from waking up a child with a kiss, to cuddling with a child and a good book, to bringing...
For the brain dead, for those who need to practice for spontaneous moments, for those who just need one more little idea because the well has run dry, this little book is a nifty package of ideas on how to let a child know that he is loved. I don't mock this book, 101 Ways to Tell Your Child 'I Love You' because it is pretty handy. (I put myself in the second category, those who need to practice spontaneity). Neither do I...
We guys often take a while to snap to the fact that our ladies need frequent small acts of affection to feel loved. Even once we've got the concept in our heads, it's hard for us to know where to start - it's just not something we're used to.Vicki Lansky comes to the rescue with this book. Her ideas give great inspiration for little ways to show affection (without crossing the line into the saccharine.) And there's enough...
Toi nay em thuc den gan hai gio viet tam thiep nay tang anh ne, khong biet anh co thich khong. Em ngu khong duoc honey oi1 Ngoi nho honey do. Goodnight cuc cung cua em, your name is "feelgood" hi hi hi... Diem