Best money you'll ever spend to improve your piloting.
Frank Maier
Private pilot
Performance Pilot is full of priceless advice.
Andrew Musca-Unger
Flight Instructor & glider pilot
Gives pilots the best and most efficient techniques on improving their aircraft handling.
Anthony Crichton-Browne
A320 Captain & aerobatic pilot
I used the ideas in Performance Pilot to great effect. There is no doubting that there was definitely an improvement in my performance.
Ben Jobson
B787 First Officer
As a current instructor of F18 fighter pilots, this is certainly a book I will recommend to all my students.
Marq Saunders
Fighter Combat Instructor
In short, the strategies in this book can help build better pilots.
Brent Keenan
C17A Squadron Commander
This is a book that should be part of every pilot's bookcase.
Australian PILOT magazine
A must read.
People of the Sky
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