This book does exactly what it should. It explains in clear, simple language how pay per click works, and how you should go about using it. Kent has no ax to grind. He explains why pay per click is a really lousy idea for some businesses, a really good idea for others and how to tell the difference. Before wasting thousands of dollars on a blundering Goggle campaign, read Kent and do it right the first time.
Titles in the Dummies series range from very, very bad to very, very good. "Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing for Dummies" is definitely very, very good. Peter Kent also wrote "Search Engine Optimization for Dummies" which is also very, very good and should be read before "Pay Per Click". "Pay Per Click" shows off Kent's talent for leading the reader step-by-step through some moderately complex territory. Kent writes...
I thought this book was very helpful. I had started a new job with no knowledge of PPC and found this to help me understand the basics.
Unlike Peter Kent's other book called "How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google" this book is awesome. (The other book I just mentioned is NOT recommended AT ALL.) In an easy-to-understand language (as all Dummy books are) it tells you how to set up and use Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing to get web traffic. It doesn't start off in the complete newbie mode like some books (i.e. turn on your computer, establish...
There's a bunch of web sites out there, I don't know that anyone knows just how many. If you have one, and if your income depends on how many 'eye balls' are attracted to your site, then you may want to consider Pay Per Click (PPC). I say that you MAY want to consider PPC, but only after you have optimized your site to attract the attention of the search engines. In fact, I'd say this book is really the second of a two volume...