Swindoll's book on the Apostle Paul is the 6th in a series of Bible characters and in my humble opinion, the best character study so far.Among the important points Swindoll covers include:1. Biblical examples of people who waited long period of time before being used greatly by God.2. An independent spirit does not please God - He much prefers the humble and broken-hearted.3. Exceptional work is preceded by extended waiting...
Charles Swindoll presents not just a biography of Paul, but also gives practical examples and applications of the principles that guided Paul's life so that the reader can also examine his or her own life, and apply these principles. Paul is introduced as a brutal persecutor and enemy of Christ. Yet by Grace he was redeemed and became the gentle apostle. This shows that no matter how dark our past is, how wretched we are,...
The Bible IS applicable to our life today, and Charles Swindoll, once again, shows us how. His book, Paul: A Man of Grace and Grit, is more than a storytelling of Paul's life. These pages are much more than an interesting biography of a converted tyrant. Swindoll examines and retells of the conversion and missionary journies, yes, but he uses the principles from them to show you and me how to model such passion for Christ...
Charles Swindoll's Paul: A man of grace and grit is a fascinating look at one of the New Testament's biggestcontributors. Saul of Tarusus or better known as Paul the apostle is truly a man of grit. Born in a Jewish family.A devout follower of Judaism. A man devoted to Jewish law and persecuting Christians. Swindoll fleshes out Saul from the book of Actsin great detail. Saul persecuted Christians as Hitler persecuted Jews...
This is a wonderful book. I found myself staying up late so I could read "just one more chapter."I have to admit that in the past I have had trouble with some of Paul's writings, while at the same time, his letters to the churches never fail to deepen my relationship with Christ. But,I always tended to think of Paul as the "saint of saints" and this was very intimidating.This book has helped me to see Paul as a real human...