Lack of fame is the least of Colin's problems though; besides being extremely short-sighted, considerably overweight, an incurable hoarder and an unsociable loner, he also has an unstable personality, a terrible dark secret, and deep-rooted anger issues.
The neighbours next-door call him Creepy or Stinky and treat his garden as if they own the place. Scum, that's what they are! Filthy trash! As soon as Colin makes his fortune, he's moving far away from this horrible estate, that's for certain. But first he'd sure like to put that little hellcat Leanne in her place. Deep down he knows the precocious little she-devil only flirts with him to mock him, she clearly hates his guts.
And the sad truth is that most of Colin's physical contact is usually paid for. That said, however, much of his lustful gratification ends up 'free' - after all, what good is cash to someone who will never get the chance to spend it?
(cover by Adrian Baldwin)Our TBR shelves are already overloaded, but that doesn’t stop us from browsing (and buying!) new books! Here are seventeen exciting December releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
Instead of doing a typical "year in review" post like everyone else, we thought it would be fun to close the door on 2018 from a different angle: by looking back at the books that played roles in the careers of the year's biggest stars. Everybody has to start somewhere, but with hard work and a few lucky literary breaks, these household names didn't stop there.