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Business Business & Investing Christian Books & Bibles Religion Religion & SpiritualityIn Paradise Restored, author David Chilton examines the modern defeatist theology held by many evangelicals and gives us an alternative: a bright future filled with Christ-serving nations and, most importantly, a victory for Christ through the spreading of his gospel. Chilton first examines the imagery present in Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible, especially that having to do with the Garden of Eden and the restoration...
Are we going to take seriously the promises made in Scripture? Chilton does just that as he systematically and Biblically explains why paradise has been restored. If we really read our Bibles and really believe them, it's hard to understand how we can come to any other conclusion except that Christ came to pay for sin AND to bring in the kingdom.Although Chilton was a reconstructionist, one need not subscribe to this theory...
This book is a must read for anyone genuinely interested in Eschatology and Biblical Prophecy. David Chilton does something that Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey and all the other popular christian teachers fail to do. He applies the first basic rule of Biblical interpretation to the book of Revelation and other "End Times" prophecies. That first rule is to discover what the text meant to the people it was originally written to. The...
This is perhaps one of the greatest books ever written on the book of Revelations, this book will change your view of the Bible forever.
This book shows the Post-Millenial perspective to be the only truly Biblical interpretation. The book is heavily backed up with scripture and historical references, including a large appendix of Josephus' history of the Roman war against the Jews. I highly recommend the book! Main points are: - The Bible Interprets Itself. To understand a scripture, you must look to other similar scriptures. - The New Testament was written...