This is an easy to follow pattern alteration guide to make great fitting pants! Most figure 'quirks' are covered , with drawings that show exactly where to add or subtract to the pattern according to your problem. I was pleased to see that what I thought I needed to do is exactly what I do need to do,even though I was told by several local 'experts' to adjust the pattern in a way that made it very hard to walk in the pants...
This is a wonderful book on making pants. Not only do the authors explain how to fit pants to your body but they also explain little known facts about how pattern companies make patterns, making it much easier to pick a pattern size that will fit you better.Some added content on fitting specific types of pants (including mens pants) was a real bonus. If you want to make your own pants this is a very helpful book.
Have you ever brought trouser patterns, followed the instructions religiously and ended up with a pair sacks rather than slacks.Lets face it when you decide to put time and effort into sewing a pair of trousers, you want to be able to get a perfect fit.I have been sewing for a long time but have never managed to sew a pair of trousers that I was truely happy with. So I was rather sceptical of the hints and tips that the book...