`PANIC' is the first Jeff Abbot novel that I have had the pleasure of reading but it most certainly will not be my last. In the last couple of years I have found myself shying away from the mystery/ suspense genre a bit (which happens to be one of my favorites) because, with the exception of the usual suspects such as James Patterson, Dan Brown and Harlan Coben I haven't found too many authors that have held my interest...
If you ever travel anywhere with Jeff Abbott, insist on driving. Even if it's just to the corner convenience store. Because if he drives like he writes, you'll be so wired by the time you get to your destination that you'll be hunched beneath the dashboard, with your fingers covering your eyes. Well, you'll be peeking, but you get the idea. My reason for saying this is that I just finished Abbott's latest novel, PANIC, a...
There are few authors capable of writing a novel with utterly unbelievable characters living out a totally unrealistic plot. Jeff Abbott proves that he is one of these remarkable writers. "Panic" has Evan Casher, 24 year old Academy Award nominated documentary filmmaker finding his mother murdered. He is rescued by a mysterious character, escapes from his would-be benefactor, is retaken and cast into a world of international...
This is an out and out good thriller. Chases, suspense, international intrigue, cat and mouse, red herrings, it's got it all. A well written fantastic thriller that puts Jeff Abbott at one of the top spots on my 'must read' list. Highly recommended.
When an unsuspecting person leading an ordinary existence is suddenly trapped in a horrifying, life threatening situation it is even more spine tingling than when readers/listeners know there's probably a psycho on the loose or an extra-terrestrial hovering. This abrupt twist is only one of the plots at which Jeff Abbott excels. In the case of "Panic" we meet young film maker Evan Casher. Life is good for Evan...