Many aspiring artists, who consider themselves creative individuals, may balk at the idea of copying paintings in a step-by-step fashion. But give this book a chance and you will learn many useful techniques. You will also learn what the masters in this book knew: copying great paintings is a great way to learn. That is how to build a knowledge base that can free you to eventually create fine work on your own. You may ultimately...
I will enjoy this gem for years. It's a keeper. Again I bought it used and am very pleased with its physical condition.
Ok, so chances are, you aren't going to be able to paint like John Singer Sargent just by reading this book. However, it is really interesting to read about Sargent's techniques and see the author do a painting in the style of Sergent. Turner, Cotman, and other masters of the watercolor medium are demonstrated as well. This is a beautifully printed book with lots in it for anyone who loves watercolors. You can develop your...
I have purchased or flipped through dozens of books on watercolor painting, but this one is unique in many respects. First, the instruction level is clear, and easy to understand with beautiful step-by-step illustrations. Next, it is unique in that each demonstration is based upon the work of a famous watercolor painter or painting. For example, there is instruction on painting poppies, inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian...