A street race ends in a tragic accident. Jake's friends tell him to run, but he doesn't know if he can--or should--run from the truth. Jake has finally got his driver's license, and tonight he has his brother's car as well. He and his friend Mickey...
Jake consigui por fin su licencia de manejo y esta noche adem s puede usar el auto de su hermano. Junto con su amigo Mickey, Jake sale a pasear en el auto. Cuando desaf an a otro conductor a una carrera callejera, una desastrosa reacci n en cadena provoca un accidente. Jake...
Jake has finally got his driver's license, and tonight he has his brother's car as well. He and his friend Mickey take the car out and cruise the strip. When they challenge another driver to a street race, a disastrous chain reaction causes an accident. Jake and Mickey leave...