Dr. Brownstein offers an easy to understand book about how to overcome one of the most common health issues - thyroid problems. He addresses hypothyroid, hyperthyroid and Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia. I was thrilled to see that he addressed the issue of poor converters of T4 to T3, importance of good thyroid supporting nutrients, diet and detoxification. Most doctors will just throw Synthroid at you and call it good without...
Once again Dr. Brownstein has put together a great book. This book provides an easy to read way to learn about a number of disorders that can be very difficult to treat. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in particular have baffled M.D.'s for years and Dr. Brownstein provides a fresh and helpful view.I recommend this to patients and physicians alike.
This is one of the most thorough books that I have ever read on thyroid problems. Dr. Brownstein not only covers hypothyroidism, he also reviews how to treat Graves' and Hashimoto's disease. As a physician, I have found this book invaluable. This book is a must for those who have thyroid problems and those that treat thyroid problems. I recommend it to all of my patients.