The Heart of the Hill- Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana L. Paxson The Fourth Concealment of the Island of Britain- Katharine Kerr Prince of Exiles- Rosemary Edghill The Secret Leaves- Tricia Sullivan The Castellan- Diana Gabaldon and Samuel Watkins Lady of the Lake- Michelle Sagara West The Mooncalfe- David Farland Avalonia- Kristen Britain Finding the Grail- Judith Tarr Me and Galahad- Mike Resnick and Adrienne Gormley A Lesser...
This is a collection of short stories centered around Avalon and King Arthur written in tribute to Marion Zimmer Bradley (author of the infamous "avalon" novels). These short stories are very enjoyable and fun to read. One of my favourites was the one written by Bradley herself which centred around Morgaine teaching (or trying to) this young, wild girl, the ways of Avalon. She runs off and finds this stone which tests the...
"Out of Avalon" Is a fantastic anthology put together by a mindspring of artists/authors whom have all been inspired by the Authorian Legends of old. Tales ranging with Artur being portrayed as the cruel king, and Myrddin as a light hearted creature afraid of being chained. These various shorts happily visit many, often unexplored, avenues of these fascinating spins. A must for the Mythology follower, or just plain young...
This anthology is for everyone who loves re-takes on the Arthurian legends, and especially those readers who loved _The Mists of Avalon_ and are seeking more of the same sort of retellings, laced with gender politics, religious issues, and romance. As in all anthologies, some of the stories are to my taste, some aren't, and there is probably somethig for everyone. In my opinion, the stunner of the bunch os Rosemary Edghill's...
Having read Mists of Avalon about a dozen times, I figured reading this book would be the next logical step. Admittedly, I'd read Marion Zimmer Bradley's other books about Avalon (The Forest House, etc.) and found them seriously lacking, so to say that I was skeptical about this collection is an understatement. I decided to give it a whirl, though, when I saw that Jennifer Roberson (whom I love) was the editor on this ...